Live on Crater Club- Episode 2

Crater Club is a live streaming platform for creators and educators

Topic: Create a life that you love living
Date : 15th Feb 2022

Link: Episode 2

Again was grateful for another opportunity provided to speak about another topic which is close to my heart.

One of my Favourite quote by Louise Hay : “Thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives”
Below is the summary of points I covered
· Giving a life a chance to love you back by just loving your own life and yourself.
· Spark your Soul in order to see a spark in your life.
· Love & Compassion towards your dream takes you in a journey of serving others
· Enjoy every little moments in life as each moment creates  beautiful memories for lifetime.
· Creating a time for your passion and time management by following 8+8+8 rule which helps you feel powerful
·Accepting yourself the way you are with all the flaws and imperfections is important
· Being your own cheerleader & Learning to love  failure in order to really enjoy success

Don’t try to fit in just for being acceptance instead explore the new space to be discovered.
I shared about my favourite 3 E’s – Experience, Experiment and Explore which has always me fall in love with life again and again.


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